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Chronic Disease Self-Managment Education in a Recreation Setting

A Good Idea


Derby Recreation Commission offers a Chronic Disease Management Education track that encompasses two courses offered to the community: Living Well With It and Diabetes Self-Management Program. Through a six-week evidence-based Stanford University curriculum participants learn simple techniques to manage their chronic disease or condition, including, but not limited to: depression, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Participants attended one two-and-one-half hour sessions per week for six weeks. In each session, attendees focused on how to communicate with family, friends, co-workers and health care providers during times of increased symptoms. Participants engaged in making tangible, realistic goals that lead to a healthier lifestyle, such as breathing techniques, meditation, eating and preparing healthy meals, and physical activity tailored for their chronic condition(s). Each participant in the workshop received a copy of the companion book, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, and an audio relaxation tape.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this workshop is to build the participants’ self-confidence in their ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives despite their chronic disease condition.


In 2016 Derby Health Collaborative hosted six free self-management education courses in partnership with the Derby School District, the Derby Senior Center, the Derby Public Library and the Kansas State Extension and Research Center. Workshops will continue in 2017.

Results / Accomplishments

Through Derby Health Collaborative's satisfaction survey, participants reported an average program satisfaction score of 43.8 out of 45. Many also provided heartfelt testimonials; one participant shared the following, “I am very happy that I decided to take the Diabetes Self-Management class. As a newly diagnosed diabetic, I was trying to process a lot of information and frankly was feeling overwhelmed. This class has helped me get on track with nutrition, exercise and health management. The group and class leaders were open and shared the problems they have faced and solutions for daily living. I would recommend the class to others not only for people with diabetes but also as a way to understand how to live a healthier lifestyle.”

About this Promising Practice

Kansas Health Matters, Derby Recreation Commission, Derby Health Collaborative
Primary Contact
Debbie Williams
801 East Market
Derby, KS 67037
(316) 788-3781
Health / Diabetes
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke
Health / Other Conditions
Kansas Health Matters, Derby Recreation Commission, Derby Health Collaborative
Standford Univeristy's Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and Diabetes Self-Managment Program
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
Sedgwick County, KS
For more details
Target Audience
Submitted By
Kansas Health Matters
Gulf Coast Community Exchange