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Centering Pregnancy Plus Program

An Evidence-Based Practice


The Centering Pregnancy Plus (CP+) project builds on the Centering Pregnancy (CP) prenatal care program by incorporating STI and HIV prevention lessons to the baseline curriculum. As in the CP program, 8-12 young women at similar stages of pregnancy are assigned to meeting groups. Participants attend 10 two-hour structured sessions in which they learn care skills, participate in facilitated discussions, and develop a support network with the other attendees. However, CP+ devotes 120 minutes over the course of three sessions to STI/HIV prevention skills. The program shows testimonials of affected adolescents to raise participants' awareness of STI and HIV risk, leads participants in setting goals for safe sexual behavior after pregnancy, and guides them in developing skills for effective communication about safe sexual behavior with their partners.

Goal / Mission

The Centering Pregnancy Plus Project aims to reduce risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and improve health outcomes for young pregnant women, aged 14-21.


Facilitated group discussions promoting condom use among young women can increase condom use among participants.

Results / Accomplishments

A randomized controlled trial of CP+ implementations in Atlanta, GA, and New Haven, CT, demonstrated a significant relationship between program participation and reduced odds of a repeat pregnancy at 6 months postpartum (p=0.02). Participants also reported significantly more condom use (p=0.007 at 6 months postpartum; p=0.04 at 12 months postpartum) and significantly less unprotected sexual intercourse at 12 months postpartum (p=0.05). Furthermore, participants had significantly more communication about safe sexual activity with their partners during the third trimester of pregnancy (p=0.001) and at 12 months postpartum (p=0.03).

About this Promising Practice

Centering Healthcare Institute
Primary Contact
Centering Healthcare Institute
89 South Street #404
Boston, MA 02111
Health / Prevention & Safety
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Centering Healthcare Institute
Child Trends
Date of publication
Nov 2009
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
For more details
Target Audience
Teens, Women
Additional Audience
Young Adults
Gulf Coast Community Exchange