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Alcohol Misuse Prevention Study

An Evidence-Based Practice


The Alcohol Misuse and Prevention program is a curriculum for youth aged 10 to 18 years. The curriculum, based on social learning theory, emphasizes resistance training, knowledge of immediate effects of alcohol, identification of risks of alcohol misuse, and recognition of social pressures to misuse alcohol. The program sends letters to teachers and provides them with self-evaluation tools. Caregiver participation is encouraged through parental activities involving homework, presentations, and letters sent home. Students learn through role-playing, guided problem-solving, and decision-making exercises about alcohol use.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to reduce alcohol misuse among adolescents.


Middle school students who receive the curriculum have increased knowledge about alcohol misuse when compared to a control group. Students who received programming in the 10th grade had significantly increased alcohol misuse prevention knowledge, decreased alcohol misuse, and increased refusal skills. During their first year of driving, students who received the curriculum were involved in fewer serious traffic or drug offenses than students in the control group.

Results / Accomplishments

Improved post-test scores indicate that middle school students who receive the curriculum have increased knowledge about alcohol misuse when compared to a control group. Though alcohol use increased significantly over time for all student groups, the rate of alcohol misuse increased significantly less for program participants than for controls. Students who received programming in the 10th grade had significantly increased alcohol misuse prevention knowledge (p < 0.001), decreased alcohol misuse (p < 0.02), and increased refusal skills (p < 0.09). During their first year of driving, students who received the curriculum were involved in fewer serious traffic or drug offenses than students in the control group.

About this Promising Practice

University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research
Primary Contact
Deborah Kloska
2314 ISR-Thompson 426 Thompson St
Ann Arbor MI 48106–1248
(734) 647-0587
Health / Alcohol & Drug Use
Health / Adolescent Health
University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Model Programs Guide (MPG)
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Southeast Michigan
For more details
Target Audience
Gulf Coast Community Exchange