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Buying Nutritional Food on a Limited Budget

A Good Idea


The Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program created a series of fact sheets on food and nutrition in response to increasing economic challenges among a variety of populations. "Shopping Tips to Stretch Your Food Dollar," offers applicable guidance to people living on a limited income and a tight budget.

Goal / Mission

This program seeks to encourage low-income elderly, families, and youth to learn about nutrition through research-based education programs. It offers advice on how to eat healthy foods on a limited budget.

Results / Accomplishments

The University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension has created a series of fact sheets for low literacy audiences with limited backgrounds in nutrition education. Each easy-to-read illustrated fact sheet gives reliable, practical information on a single food or nutrition concept. Healthful, low cost recipes are included in most fact sheets to reinforce the concepts emphasized. Fact sheets provide information about making healthy food choices, stretching food dollars, safe food handling and helping parents to get their children to eat well. Some of the fact sheets are available in both English and Spanish versions.

About this Promising Practice

Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program
Primary Contact
Laurie Boyce
University of Wisconsin-Extension
637 Extension Building
432 Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-1095
Health / Physical Activity
Economy / Poverty
Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program
Corporation for National and Community Service
Date of publication
Target Audience
Teens, Older Adults, Families
Gulf Coast Community Exchange