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Centering Pregnancy Program

An Evidence-Based Practice


The Centering Pregnancy Program provides group prenatal care for women from weeks 16 through 40 of pregnancy. The program serves women receiving care at urban clinics that primarily serve low-income minority women at high risk for low birth weight and preterm delivery. Providers have more time for patient interaction in group prenatal care, allowing them to promote healthy pregnancy through psychological, social, and behavioral factors in addition to clinical care.

Groups of women of the same gestational age receive basic prenatal risk assessments, share support, and gain knowledge and skills related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. The ten sessions focus sequentially on topics such as nutrition, labor preparation, the birth experience, infant care and feeding, and postpartum adjustment. Women also learn self-care activities to track changes associated with pregnancy and receive individual assessments at each session.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the Centering Pregnancy Program is to improve perinatal outcomes for low-income women and their infants through group prenatal care.

Results / Accomplishments

The 229 infants of women in group prenatal care had a significantly higher birth weight than those of women in a control group that received standard individual prenatal care (p < 0.01). Among infants that were preterm, group patient infants were significantly larger than individual-care patient infants (mean, 2398g vs. 1990g, p < 0.05). Finally, though not statistically significant, infants of group patients were less likely to be low birth weight (16 infants vs. 23), very low birth weight (3 infants vs. 6), early preterm (2 infants vs. 7), or to experience neonatal loss (0 infants vs. 3).

About this Promising Practice

Centering Healthcare Institute
Primary Contact
Centering Healthcare Institute Inc.
89 South Street #404
Boston, MA 02111
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Health / Family Planning
Centering Healthcare Institute
Obstetrics and Gynecology
For more details
Target Audience
Women, Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Gulf Coast Community Exchange